
TOPIC: Winter, snow and climate change

Duration: 23th of January – 28th of January 2023


  • sightseeing bus tour in Helsinki
  • Oodi, the new central library
  • lunch stop at Tampere viking restaurant
  • bus travel to Toholampi
  • students to host families, teachers to Sulola B&B


  • welcoming event at Toholampi school
  • meeting and info, getting to know each other
  • tour around Toholampi schools
  • workshops (1. making a snowflake out of metal wire, 2. baking traditional Finnish cookies, etc., 3. creating a video of news and fake news, 4. studying snow)


  • lecture at the town hall: ”What is the EU doing to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss?”
  • sledding with hot chocolate and traditional Shrovetide buns
  • trip to FinnsSpring spring water factory, presentation of the firm and how they try to decrease their carbon footprint (with pizza, swimming and sauna)


  • workshops continued
  • bus trip to Kokkola
  • Rödsö reindeer farm with reindeer, goats and farm stuff (reindeer soup)
  • visit to Keskipohjanmaa newspaper, a presentation on a journalist’s work and how to make sure everything they publish is truthful
  • free time in Kokkola
  • evening activities/sports at the sports hall


  • Watching senior student practice for their upcoming dance ball
  • workshops continued
  • finishing touches to the news videos
  • teachers’ meeting at the same time
  • concert at the school hall
  • final meeting: presentations of photos, videos and other work done during the week, diplomas
  • making tortillas together and buffet dinner, games: Among us!, Kahoot!

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