Project meetings were meant for .
1st Project meeting was on 21st of September 2020, where we did team building in each country and we did a clarification of the project implementation plan.
2nd Project meeting was in October 2020 where we evaluated First Project Day, which was Outdoor activities (SOS) with elements of Formative assessment.
3rd Project meeting was on the 26th of January 2021 where we evaluated Second Project Day, which was How to distinguish True/False messagess with elements of Formative assessment.
4th Project meeting was in October 2021 where we evaluated Fifth Project Day, which was Interview with a jurnalist with elements of Formative assessment and we planned next cooperation in international teams.
5th Project meeting was in October 2021, where we were planning dissamination of article for local press.
6th Project meeting was on the 10th of November 2021 and we evaluated the fist year of the project and we clarificated plan for following year.
7th Project meeting was hold in March 2023 and the topic was How to develop students and teachers e-Guide Book on Media Literacy.
8th Project meeting was in April 2023 and we evaluated project results. Pupils and teachers analyzed results and Media Literacy guidelines for dissemination of the activities.
9th Project meeting was about Evaluation of the project, trying to connect on eTwinning platform and to put together evaluation of the project and it’s results.